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2022-01-29| 发布者: 金东百事通| 查看: 144| 评论: 3|来源:互联网

摘要: interest和argue名师点津基础练习1.interestvt.使感兴趣n.兴趣;利益;利息(1)have/show/take(an)interestin对……感兴趣losein...
1.interest  vt.使感兴趣 n.兴趣;利益;利息
(1)have/show/take (an) interest in  对……感兴趣
lose interest in 对……失去兴趣
develop one's interest in 培养某人某方面的兴趣
with interest 有兴趣地;津津有味地
in the interest of 为/符合……的利益
places of interest 名胜
(2)interesting adj.引起兴趣的,有趣的
interested adj.感兴趣的
be/get interested in 对……感兴趣

be interested in traditional Chinese culture 对中国传统文化感兴趣
have an interest in his stamp collection 他对集邮感兴趣
develop our interest in English learning 培养我们在英语学习方面的兴趣
①(2018·北京卷)Traveling along the old Silk Road is an interesting(interest) and rewarding experience.
②The government should avoid doing anything that is not in the interest of the public.
③(2019·全国卷Ⅰ) I became interested(interest) in playing football thanks to a small accident.
①I am interested in literary books, especially those by famous writers.(interested)
②I have an interest in literary books, especially those by famous writers.(interest n.)
③What interests me are literary books, especially those by famous writers.(interest v.)

2.argue v.争论;辩论;主张;说服
(1)argue with sb.about/over sth.与某人辩论某事
argue for/against sth.赞成/反对某事
argue sb.into/out of doing sth.说服某人做/不做某事
argue that ...主张;认为
(2)argument n.争论;辩论
beyond argument 无可争辩
argue for the ban of riding motorcycles in the city 主张禁止在城市中骑摩托车
argue against an increase in our pocket money 反对增加我们的零用钱
argue us into accepting his advice 劝说我们接受他的建议
try not to let a calm discussion turn into a heated argument 尽力避免把平静的讨论变成激烈的争论
①(2019·天津卷)I thought anything abstract left too much room for argument(argue).
②He was arguing with his brother about/over how they should spend the money.
③He was unhappy because many people argued against his plan.
He argued against smoking, and insisted that it was beyond argument that smoking was harmful to health.At last he argued us to give up/into giving up smoking.

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